Our Amazon Shop
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Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a relaxing weekend. Here in California, we’re slowly starting to reintegrate back into society (lol!) I ate inside of a restaurant for the first time and it was wild. I didn’t even know how to act. Anyway, we actually meant to share this post last week but the weekend decided to take over my life and I didn’t get a chance to make an official blog about our new Amazon Shop. If you follow us on Instagram, you probably saw one of our stories and already know about it but if you’re just hearing about this now, hooray!
Elle and I decided to make it super easy to find all of our equipment, production tools, office supplies, seamless paper, props, photo tools cleaning supplies, podcast equipment, and books that we’ve purchased for ourselves and our studio into our very own Amazon Shop. We even included some of our favorite studio decor items that we own or are currently obsessed with. But let’s be real, we’ll probably end up purchasing it sometime in the near future, haha!
Just to quickly break everything down for you guys. Our equipment list includes all of our camera gear, lenses, tethering tools, lighting + studio equipment, and other additional tools. Our production tools list includes anything that Elle has ever used to create some of the backdrops and props that you see in our photos. This can be anything from painting tools, woodworking equipment, grout for tile making, and more. Our seamless paper list includes all of our favorite Savage seamless paper colors that we currently own or would like to buy in the near future. Our podcast and livestream equipment list includes any items we’ve recently purchased for our podcast Per Our Last Email and for streaming live with Adobe Live.
Our office supplies list is pretty self-explanatory. We made sure to add all the fun things like planners, pens, notebooks, and sticky notes. Also included are any tools we use for our laptops like our mouses and screen cleaners. Our studio decor list includes any furniture, home decor, and small appliances that we’ve purchased for Little Sunday Studio. Our props list includes, well, our props. Haha! Some items can be quite random and specific to each shoot but we definitely made sure to include any of the acrylic props or wooden shapes that we paint to use as risers.
Our books list includes some of our recommendations and some photography books that we love. Our photo toolkit list includes some of our favorite photography tools that we use pretty consistently. If you read our post on 3 of our favorite photography tools, you’ll find those items in there. Lastly, our studio cleaning list has all of those cleaning supplies that help keep our studio in tip top shape for rentals.
Hope this shop is helpful for you in terms of finding the right equipment or tools that you may need to get your photography business started with. We’ll definitely continue to add to it as we purchase more items in the future.
Is it the weekend yet?